Looking for Contributors
You may have noticed that a lot of the posts here have my name (Matt Stauffer) tacked after them, but actually, Staffhacker has quite a few authors and contributors who write posts here and there. However, we always want and need new contributors for new perspective and insight (and new blood! I’m going to run out of things to write about eventually!)
Also, you may notice one thing conspicuously missing from the authors list on the right: Female names. If you’re a woman in the field of campus ministry, we’d love to feature your contributions on the site. Just fill out the contact form and we’ll go from there.
We’re also looking specifically for contributors from a broader range of campus ministries. I’m with InterVarsity, so that’s where my greatest number of contacts come from. We have some great contributors from other campus ministries, but I’d love to feature wisdom and resources from an even broader range of campus ministry mindsets and contexts. Please–get in touch!
UPDATE: I failed to mention when I first wrote this. Staffhacker is created an an entirely volunteer basis. No one, including me, gets paid for this. When we can secure advertising, it simply pays for hosting costs and for spreading the word about the site. So, we’re looking for voluntary contributors, not paid writers.
(image from flickr user Sister72)
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